Gathering in His Name

“ for where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there among them.”  Matthew 18:20

Ever wanted to get to know those folks who share a pew with you better? Gathering in His Name is an opportunity for you to do just that. It is a wonderful way to meet or get reacquainted with everyone at Covenant as we rotate from group to group.

The gathering takes place in individual homes. You can sign up to host a group according to your accommodations for dining (4, 6, 8 persons). Or you can just attend a group as you feel comfortable. It’s about fellowship and breaking bread together, not about the number of folks who fit around your table.

Hosts for each gathering provide the entrée and beverages. Guests share by bringing an appetizer, salad, vegetable or dessert. Singles and couples make a good mix.

If you are concerned about driving after dark, your host can work with you to find a ride, and some groups choose to meet for lunch or brunch. 

“Gathering in His name” will begin in February 2022 and continue through May. Sign up in the courtyard or contact Betty Whitaker and join us as we ”Gather in His Name”.

Betty Whitaker:

239-292-4390 (c)  239-466-7228 (h)