
As Presbyterians, we do mission in the spirit of partnership, working with others locally and around the world.  We define our mission work through the lens of Matthew 25 as we seek to manifest Christ’s love in action.

In doing so, we engage in mission that builds relationships, works towards social justice and shares needed resources with others in Christ’s name. 

For a brief overview of Covenant’s mission outreach, please review the following pages.  If you would like to get involved or seek additional information about any of the mission programs listed here, contact Covenant’s Mission Chairperson.  

Christine Larson, Elder, Christinelarson1982@gmail.com


Based on Matthew 25:31-46 which calls for active engagement in the world around us, Covenant is a partner church of the PC(USA) Matthew 25 initiative, committing to:

1. Building congregational vitality
2. Dismantling structural racism; and
3. Eradicating systemic poverty.

Website: https://www.presbyterianmission.org/ministries/matthew-25/

Dan and Elizabeth Turk, Madagascar

  • Planting Fruit Trees for increased nutrition
  • Working to improve public health services
  • Souper Bowl of Caring 
  • One Great Hour of Sharing – Peacemaking Offering
  • Christmas Joy Offering

Website:  https://specialofferings.pcusa.org/

  • Fellowship of the Least Coin
  • Thank Offering and Birthday Offering
  • Financial Support for numerous missions


The Covenant Together We Grow Garden channels the efforts and love of our church community towards growing culturally-appropriate food for the benefit of the Immokalee farmworker community. 

A ministry of Peace River Presbytery providing food, clothing, spiritual care, and a variety of programs for the farmworker community in Immokalee.  Covenant also participates in annual collection campaigns including the Christmas Joy toy drive for farmworker families in Immokalee.  

To alleviate food insecurity in the Immokalee food desert.  Cultivate Abundance serves to grow, collect and share nutritious garden products of farmworker preference while inspiring and equipping others to do the same.  

Website:  www.cultivateabundance.org

Provides daily meals, food pantry distribution, Meals on Wheels, and community child care programs in Lee County.  Covenant provides financial support and volunteers each month.  They assist the cooperative with food distribution at a mobile food pantry located in a Fort Myers low income neighborhood. 

Website:  www.communitycooperative.com

L.I.F.E. combines the efforts of local churches to create a community – action partnership working on specific justice issues in Lee County. 

Website:  www.lifejustice.org

Downtown Fort Myers churches come together for a one day “Mission Bliltz” the first Saturday in March that covers a variety of community services.  Through InAsMuch, Covenant has been very committed to supplying bags of new clothing, pajamas, books, blankets, and more for children placed in foster care. 

A way to “shop alternatively” for “gifts of love” that support many of Covenant’s missions, both locally and globally.  This annual event is held in the early part of December at Covenant.  


In 2018, Peace River Presbytery established a Presbytery partnership with Matanzas Presbytery.  Covenant began a sister church partnership with El Fuerte Presbyterian Church in Cardenas.  Periodically, partnership teams travel to Cuba to further build our church relationship.  Youth group members visited in 2019 and adult teams visited in 2020 and 2023.  

Covenant supports Palestinian olive farmers facing oppression through the “Keep Hope Alive” program and conducts annual sales of olive oil when it is available.  

Covenant’s longstanding partnership supports the ministries of Shalom Presbyterian Church in the city of Esteli’.