Sunday School (Faith Formation Classes) at 9:00 AM
Faith formation is a lifelong endeavor. Nurturing faith development and growth at Covenant happens in a variety of ways. It is vital to our community and our lives. Whether in a class or study group at the church, on a zoom gathering, sharing in church wide or age group fellowship activities, or through attending in person or live streamed worship service, we are on a journey to develop our faith and what it means to each of us personally and as part of a faith community.
Covenant’s Sunday morning faith formation opportunities make use of the PC(USA) curriculum, Feasting on the Word. Our individual commitments to actively grow in our faith help shape the kind of faith community that Covenant aspires to become as followers of Christ.
Below is a description of the curriculum:
Feasting on the Word Curriculum follows the Revised Common Lectionary and allows everyone to explore the same Bible passage each week. This makes it easy for families to live out their faith together. This curriculum invites learners from children to adults into the rhythm of the church year. Leaders of each age group are provided with a solid biblical background from the well-known commentary Feasting on the Word. Explore the what, where, so what, and now what of each biblical passage from the lectionary through a variety of learning styles.
The focus is presented, not only in Sunday School classes, but also from the pulpit.
Let us ALL grow together in new ways through these opportunities for all ages, elementary through adult on Sunday mornings, 9:00 – 9:45 a.m.
Adults: Upstairs – Room 207; Elementary: Upstairs – Room 206
For information on classes or other opportunities, contact the church office at 239-334-8937.
Child/Youth Protection
To promote a safe and trusting environment, Covenant screens every staff and volunteer church member who works with infants, children and youth.
For information on classes or other opportunities, contact the church office at 239-334-8937