Worship at 10:00 AM

Worship at Covenant

“Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us give thanks, by which we offer to God an acceptable worship with reverence and awe.”  Hebrews 12:28

We believe that the central point of any church’s life must be the worship of God by His people.  These are the moments in which we are led before the throne of God’s grace to ascribe to Him the praise, honor, and glory that He, and He alone, is worthy to receive.  Indeed, the great end of our existence is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever.  Worship is the primary means by which we accomplish that goal.

Please Join us in Worship

Sunday Mornings at 10:00 a.m.

Covenant Presbyterian Church is an inclusive community celebrating people from all walks of life. Our worship experience includes a blend of the best in all musical styles and our interim pastor, Rev. William (Bill) Teng, preaches Bible based sermons. Worship includes a rich blend of praise, prayers, hymns, anthems, choruses, children’s messages, sacraments, and sermons – all of which are designed to flow into a single thread and theme for the day. We invite you to read more about our style of worship and to check out videos of Pastor Bill’s sermons under the worship column in the drop down menu.

Special Worship Services

  • Ash Wednesday service
  • Holy Week services, including Maundy Thursday and Good Friday services
  • Advent service (Hanging of the Greens)
  • Christmas Eve services

Sermon Videos

If you are unable to attend worship, you may access the worship service through the website.  Scroll down on the opening page to find the current livestream service.  Additionally, after the livestream is changed, you may watch the service on the following link at anytime over the next two or three months.   Just click on the link below!


Prayer Ministry

Prayer concerns are listed in the Sunday bulletin.  

The email prayer chain is comprised of members and affiliates of Covenant who pray for those in need.  When you call the church office (239-334-8937) with a request, we alert the email prayer chain.  If you would like to make a prayer request, please fill out a yellow prayer card located in the pew racks and drop the card in the offering plate.  

Prayer Gram Ministry

If you would like to have a prayer gram (a note of encouragement) mailed to someone in need of prayer, please fill out a yellow prayer card located in the pew racks and drop the card in the offering plate.  Or phone the office at 239-334-8937 and leave the request and the person’s name/address with our receptionist.  Our prayer volunteers will pray for the person in need and will mail an encouraging note to him or her.  Unless you specify that the request is confidential, we’ll include the person on our email prayer chain (see above).

Worship Banners

Thank you to Ellen Sheppard who created some of the beautiful banners for our sanctuary throughout our worship seasons!  Other banners used during the year were designed and made by Catherine Faulkner.